1:1 Mentorship Sessions with Dr. Andre
Course introduction:
Cats are not small dogs.... but they sure do enjoy massage as much as their canine housemates. This mini-class is designed for animal caregivers with a feline at home that needs to get their purr-motor going! At-home massage can be used for numerous situations and animal life-styles such as:
Classroom time: 90 minutes
Cost: $225 USD |
Required supplies:
This class will focus on recognizing and providing at-home massage for house cats. We have worked to bring you a training course that will provide cat parents with immediately-applicable, basic massage techniques and massage routines specific for the companion feline.
This course will cover the following topics:
This class will focus on recognizing and providing at-home massage for house cats. We have worked to bring you a training course that will provide cat parents with immediately-applicable, basic massage techniques and massage routines specific for the companion feline.
This course will cover the following topics:
Our Instructors:
Our instructors are veterinarians, technicians, and massage therapists eager to share their knowledge and love of animal massage with you. In addition to expertise in their field, they bring a passion for utilizing massage as a healing modality throughout all animal life-stages and lifestyles. Meet our instructors.
Our instructors are veterinarians, technicians, and massage therapists eager to share their knowledge and love of animal massage with you. In addition to expertise in their field, they bring a passion for utilizing massage as a healing modality throughout all animal life-stages and lifestyles. Meet our instructors.